Class II Type C1:
The Class II Type C1 cabinets are similar to Type B cabinets in their working mechanism, but these are designed to reduce operating costs add flexibility to the laboratories.
These cabinets work by using the single-pass airflow system where the cabinets move the air by mixing it with the downflow air separated into columns for recirculation.
The air above the workstation is drawn with a second fan which moves the contaminated air out through the exhaust system with a HEPA filter.
In this way, the cabinets provide protection to the environment, the operator, and the workstation or the biological material.
Type C cabinets are different from Type A cabinets as they use a single-pass airflow mechanism where the air is not circulated.
These differ from Type B cabinets in that they don’t require a dedicated ducted exhaust system, can work for an extended duration to increase operator protection in the case of exhaust failure, and can even run without the exhaust at all.